Alderney Scientific Solutions Inc. is focused on developing unique product concepts that have significant inherent intellectual property content with the intent to commercialize them through international manufacturing and marketing licensing agreements.
Located in Toronto, Ontario, this privately owned Canadian corporation utilizes the combined skills and diverse experience of a team of scientific, engineering professionals and resources.
Through strategic planning and execution of our vision it is our goal to provide sustainable employment and growth with social and economic benefits to the corporation and the global community.
Leveraging our expanding technical and scientific expertise, resources and knowledge base and building our international manufacturing and marketing licensing relationships we are establishing a solid foundation to support and advance our corporation’s future interests in research, development of concepts and the commercialization of them.
We are driven to conceive and develop new innovative and unique products that will meet global consumer and industrial needs of today and into the future.
To achieve its vision, Alderney Scientific Solutions Inc. is dedicated to conduct research and development of unique product concepts that have significant inherent intellectual property content with the intent to commercialize them through international manufacturing and marketing licensing agreements.
The corporation adheres to its position to provide products that are non–violent, politically and religiously neutral and promote positive respect and value for life and our environment.